Aberdeen Magical Society

News - October 2024

September Meetings

We had two interesting meetings in September, one very important and one a great deal of fun.

The first meeting was our Annual General Meeting, with the President taking the helm.

The usual reports were presented with everything seeming to be more than satisfactory. The countdown to our Centenary in 2026 has begun in earnest and some great ideas have been suggested already. The Officers and Committee remain largely unchanged with just the addition of Nicolas Maulet to our Committee, adding a touch of Gallic panache and legal expertise. We look forward to another great year with our long-serving President, Garry Seagraves, leading us forward.

The second meeting was a brilliant lecture from Edinburgh's King of Kid's Conjuring, Tricky Ricky McLeod, hosted by Garry.

Ricky went at an astonshing pace - where he gets the energy from is a mystery in itself. Garry promised us lots of content, brilliant ideas and a great deal of fun. He told us the truth. In addition, Ricky showed us how to be inspired, how to milk the last drop out of your favouite effects and most importantly, how to make them entertaining. The two hours flew past but Ricky packed the time full of fun. I think we all look forward to seeing Ricky again soon.



There is a Society email list available, which James looks after. Contact him for all of the details.


This Month

October features two very different meetings. On the 8th is our annual competition for Entertainment, The Jocky Scott Trophy. The President will be in charge. On the 22nd we are holding one of our popular TED Nights. James Dickson will be our host. The presenters are yet to be announced.


Next Month

November sees two splendid meetings. On the 12th is Box Magic with Norn as our host. The 26th is our main fund raiser for the year, the always fabulous Social Night with Eoin and Dave organising things. The line-up is yet to be announced but volunteers for all tasks would be very welcome.


Lapsed or Errant Member?

Are you a former member of the Aberdeen Magical Society? Have you lost touch with any current members and want to re-establish ties? Then drop us an e-mail at mail@aberdeenmagic.com or click on contact us.

Dave G


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