News - December 2024
November Meetings
We had another two terrific meetings in November.
The first meeting was themed Box Magic with the legendary Norn Bichan as our host. Norn opened proceedings by showing us a Q&A type effect using a cereal box as the billet repository. Many of our members performed a piece or two, including effects utilising card boxes, a couple of Gozinta boxes, a rattle box, a ring box, a demonstration of Mark Shortlands Amaze Box, the use of a beautiful Mick Hanzlik lock and strong box, a silk cabby and many others. It was a really good example of what our members can come up with under pressure.
The second meeting was our annual Social Night, when we invite the public in to see eight of our members each perform a short set. The evening was organised by Eoin and Dave. On the night we had invaluable help from Maureen Bain who looked after the door and added up the money; Honorary Vice President Jenny Seagraves, daughter Tara and Margaret Meredith sold loads of raffle tickets and Dave Goulding and Jim Aitken hosted and MCed a room each. The eight performers, who all performed magnificently, were James Dickson, Jono Geary, Steve Meredith, Nicolas Maulet, Chris Begg, Eoin Smith, Smith and Burns (Ivor and Jeff) and President Garry Seagraves.
It was a great night. A good sized audience had a wonderful time and were royally entertained. Everyone who took part had a great time and did wonderfully well; we also raised a nice bit of cash for our funds. Thank you to everyone invovled.
There is a Society email list available, which James looks after. Contact him for all of the details.
This Month
December features two very different meetings. On the 10th is the first iteration of our new tradition of Rons Night with Marcus looking after things. On the 17th we are holding our annual Night Out, organised by the President.
Next Month
January hearalds a New Year but sees an old favourite on the 14th when Garry is our host for The Ace of Spades. On the 24th Jono is our host for a new themed evening of Instant Reset.
Lapsed or Errant Member?
Are you a former member of the Aberdeen Magical Society? Have you lost touch with any current members and want to re-establish ties? Then drop us an e-mail at or click on contact us.
Dave G