Aberdeen Magical Society

News - July 2024

June Meetings

We had two excellent meetings in June.

The first meeting was our annual competition for Close-up Magic, The Bill Duncan Cup with Garry hosting.

The evening started off with the induction of no less than four new mwmbers: Barry, Douglas, Sandy and Stuart. We also welcomed back prodigal son Chris Begg.Garry then told the rules of the competition and reminded everyone about Bill Duncan and his contribution to our Society. He also mentioned the Presidents Plate and how it is presented.

The competitors were, in order of appearance: James Dickson, Steve Meredith, Marcus Gordon, Jono Geary and Jim Aitken. The judges (Jenny Seagraves, Eoin Smith and Chris Begg) handed over their score sheets, Norn recorded the times of each act and Garry did the necessary calculations. This resulted in Marcus Gordon being declared the winner and James Dickson was awarded the Presidents Plate.

The second meeting was an evening of Magic Without a Helper with Jono as our host and facilitator.

Jono started things off by saying how he interpreted the subject, then followed up with a couple of effects to demonstrate. There were then some good contributions from several members, with particular mentions for Chris Begg and his dramatic performance and Frank Yates come-back effect. Jono interspersed things with several more items to keep thing rolling nicely along.



There is a Society email list available, which James looks after. Contact him for all of the details.


This Month

July should be great. On the 9th Carl Howse will host Rough and Smooth and Svengali.The meeting on the 23rd is Cups, Balls, etc. Bill Seagraves will be over from New Zealand to celebrate the wedding of his granddaughter Tara, so he and the father of the bride, Garry, will host what will be a fun evening.


Next Month

August looks very promising. Paul hosts Heroes of Magic on the 13th, with Classics of Magic on the 27th hosted by Scott Clegg. Fabulous!


Lapsed or Errant Member?

Are you a former member of the Aberdeen Magical Society? Have you lost touch with any current members and want to re-establish ties? Then drop us an e-mail at mail@aberdeenmagic.com or click on contact us.

Dave G


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